Saturday, February 27, 2010


On Thursday my dad and I went to the beach. We brought the puppy along. It was a nice day- no wind and not too cold. I like the big puffy clouds. They are much nicer than the solid sheet of gray that covers the Oregon sky in the winter months.

Here's Baxter. He likes seashells, but does not like being on the leash.

What were we doing at the beach, you ask? My dad was catching these guys. Razor clams. You watch for their holes when the water goes out, and then you dig for them. Or so I'm told. I don't go in the water. I sit in the truck and read my book while he digs.
Then it's time for my job- preparing clams. I've never even eaten them before, much less cooked them. Flour, egg, crushed saltine crackers.
Here they are, all battered and beautiful. Then you fry them. They stink really bad when you fry them. They don't taste that great either, in my opinion. Kind of like calamari or something chewy. Eh, I could take it or leave it.
Well, there's a little glimpse into life here in Oregon. And a little teaser for those of you who are coming to visit in June! We're planning a big beach trip for all out of town guests on Thursday, June 24th. I can't wait!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Life decisions

Andy and I are praying a lot (and worrying more than we should) about our future. You can join us in praying, if you'd like. We'd appreciate it. We have a few different options in mind. I know what I'd like to tell God I want. But I'm slowly learning not to tell God my plan.

Today we're spending our first Valentine's Day together, apart. Oh the irony of our atypical relationship. I did, however, get a beautiful bouquet of red roses delivered to my front door. I'm one blessed girl. Andy just got a card. And by got, I mean, will get. For some reason mail can't travel 3,000 miles in two days, even in America. Oops. It's handmade, does that make up for it's lateness? Maybe.

Meeting with the wedding coordinator from the church today. Wishing my fiance could come with me, but thankful that my mom will be there.

One foot in front of the day at a time...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

waiting... something I'm really bad at. I hate waiting for the light to turn green. I hate waiting on hold. I hate waiting for the next time I get to see Andy. I hate waiting for our wedding. I hate waiting to see where I'll be working and living next year. Right now I'm waiting for Andy to call and I hate that too (in case you didn't catch the part where I hate waiting).

BUT, while I was waiting for my phone to ring, this is what I read:

Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord;
O Lord, hear my voice,
Let your ears be attentive
to my cry for mercy.

If you, O Lord, kept a record of sins,
O Lord, who could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness;
therefore you are feared.

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
and in his word I put my hope.
My soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning.

O Israel, put your hope in the Lord,
for with the Lord is unfailing love
and with him is full redemption.
He himself will redeem Israel
from all their sin.

Psalm 130

I don't think Israel probably liked waiting all that much either. They were waiting to be delivered from their captivity. From Babylon back to Jerusalem. Kind of like we are waiting to be delivered from earth to heaven. I don't think waiting is ever easy. But at least we have Someone to hope in, someone who has fully redeemed us.